February 2022

ISO 14001 Gap Analysis is an important part of achieving and maintaining ISO 14001 certification. Here we will define the ISO 14001 standard, answer common questions regarding gap analysis, and other ISO 14001 related topics. What Is ISO 14001? ISO 14001 is the international standard that outlines...

Success Story - Kavato Civil Solutions At SafeWrite, we love to hear how the tools have helped users achieve their goals. Whether it is ISO accreditation, or simply to improve their internal processes with a more structured approach, the SafeWrite tools can help businesses of any...

An ISO 27001 Gap Analysis (sometimes called a Compliance Assessment or Pre-Assessment) is an assessment that provides an overview of your organization’s information security posture. The analysis serves as a guide to organizations in reaching ISO 27001 certification. Here well will discuss what ISO 27001 is...

Simplify the Accreditation Process At SafeWrite, we love to hear how the tools have helped users achieve their goals. Whether it is ISO accreditation, or simply to improve their internal processes with a more structured approach, the SafeWrite tools can help businesses of any size. Hear from...

We understand that whole process of becoming ISO compliant can be a little confusing at first. We get asked, "How does my organization get ISO certified?" and,  "Where do I start?" SafeWrite is here for you. We'll help keep the entire process on the rails...

A large majority of our SafeWrite users utilise the platform as a means of becoming accredited and ISO compliant. It is a great way to stand out from your competitors while also systemizing and streamlining your Quality, Safety, and Environmental processes. We've seen hundreds of business...

The manufacturing industry has faced recent years of sluggish growth, however thanks to its resilience and innovation, it is expecting a positive forecast into 2022.  In saying this, there are several issues and concerns that surround the industry as it heads into 2022:  Production Quality  The manufacturing sector...

5 Issues Facing the Construction Industry in 2022   Even with the economy expected to rebound in 2022, construction companies (particularly small ones) will continue to encounter issues that are preventing them from growing. Below is a list of five issues that face the construction industry in...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]In 2024 and beyond, small and medium businesses (SMBs) are seeking dependable and easy-to-use cloud quality management system (QMS) software. These quality management system software for small business solutions have huge benefits. QMS for small business has become exceedingly...