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Safe Work Method Statements (aka SWMS) are important documents as they outline the high risk construction activities that are carried out in a workplace, the potential hazards that may arise from the workplace and the measures to be put in place to control the risks.
The SafeWrite platform is here to help businesses and contractors manage their SWMS more effectively to ensure that they are maintained, controlled and distributed as required.
Access our library of over 100 Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) templates, across a range of industries such as Construction, Excavation, Demolition, Plumbing and Welding etc. All templates are 100% customisable and able to be compiled into an offline Word file.
Creating your SWMS is not enough to ensure compliance, these need to be maintained in a register with version control. Additionally, workers need to be kept up to date with any new published changes and their acknowledgement tracked.
The SafeWrite platform will help take the hassle out of keep your workers and contractors safe!
Fill in your details to start your 10 day free trial
Alternatively, you can schedule a free one on one demo with a member of the SafeWrite team. These are typically the best way to get an understanding of the tools and if they would be suitable for your business.